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Geeks have swarmed onto the internet recently from all corners of the beautiful sphere we call Earth to profess their love of all things language, thus creating a community of Nerdfighters!  This blowout of all things nerdy has rekindled my obsession with books and my closet desire to one day publish a volume of incredible splendor and amazingness!  A dead tree like no other.

Since I am in the middle of snacking on six books presently, according to Good Reads, I have absolutely no new books to review and thus will begin this blog with a shout out to my favorite Vloggers on YouTube land!  Those who inspire me and cause me to enter daily into temporal black hole that seems to be located adjacent to this computer of mine on the davenport.  A sampling of the best of the best!  I surmise you too will find a temporal black hole developing on your favorite chair as well if you view the videos below.